Brook and Radha are two kiwis (New Zealanders) who have been together since high school (awwwhh) and have travelled to more than 40 countries.
Brook trained as a journalist and worked as political reporter for the 6pm news. During his time as a journalist, he's travelled the world - even filing a report for 60 Minutes from Africa about Somali pirates. He's also ripped his pants open while being filmed jumping out of plane and swam with great white sharks near Stewart Island.
Radha has spent the past seven years flying around the world working for Qantas as a flight attendant, safety auditor and manager. She's also an avid yogi, loves morning swims, runs social media accounts and does most of our image editing.
Want to collaborate? Do you have any questions about travel? Please email radha@onflightmode.com
We look forward to hearing from you!